Elizabeth Turp Counselling, Psychotherapy & Training Merseyside and North West

CFS/ME Support for Family & Friends

Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers as part of the 'Support for Family & Friends' series, I wrote this book to help people whose friend, family member or patient has ME/CFS to help their loved one, and gain support for themselves in what can be a difficult situation. Knowing first hand how difficult it can be to put this illness into words and how friends and family can react in differing ways to it, this book is full of personal stories and advice from people with ME/CFS.

People with ME/CFS also find it a reassuring and helpful read, especially the many real life stories, case studies, examples and suggestions on how to live with the illness from mild to severe that are included. It covers the emotional, social, practical and financial aspects of ME/CFS and explains the symptoms and their effects on day to day life in detail.

You can order from any book shop, buy from online book stores or direct from the publisher - to visit their website for more information see Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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' As a long-term ME sufferer myself I can recommend this book in particular its comprehensiveness and accessibility/readability, issues doubtless borne in mind by the author who is recovered ME sufferer.'

- Ministry Today UK

'the book is very strong on compassion, and the emotional aspects of being a friend/carer of someone with CFS/ME. There are sections for partners, parents, siblings, children and work colleagues. The author also tackles many practical issues relating to personal hygiene, food and nutrition, mobility, domestic tasks and money and employment.'

- ME Essential

'Writing a book about CFS/ME after having gone through the wringer of this illness is an enormous task. Turp has met this challenge with success. Her book should be read by those with CFS/ME who are trying to find a way out. It should be read by people who care for sufferers of CFS/ME, who want to understand, and who want to help the people they care about... If you've come up against the brick wall that is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, having the disease yourself or loving someone who does, Turp's book is worth the read. If you know someone with CFS/ME, don't leave them to try to deal with it alone, read Turp's book, roll up your sleeves, and find a way to make their life more bearable.'

- www.empowher.com

'People with CFS/ME are very much affected by what 'other people' think, say or do. If things don't go well, it is usually because those others don't know or understand, or just don't 'get it', perhaps feeling frightened, threatened or useless. Here is a straightforward and practical resource to fill those knowledge gaps, drawn from both personal experiences and professional insights'.

- Professor Tony Pinching, Associate Dean, University of Plymouth, UK.

'If you ever wished there was a book you could give to a family member or a friend that would explain in detail what it really is like having ME, then this is that book... where the author excels at is explaining what it really feels like to have CFS/ME... her deep understanding of the condition really shows.. She starts by discussing all those emotions that a person can go through when their loved one becomes seriously ill. She then moves on to social relationships, explaining how and why ME can change them, a particularly valuable section... There is also a section on communication, again very useful as it is a common experience for many people that they do not quite know what to say to someone who is seriously ill, or are afraid of saying the wrong thing. I think this is a very valuable and worthwhile book. It offers support for those people who are often in a difficult situation, trying to support someone who suffers from a potentially very long term illness. In such a situation, the main focus is, naturally enough, on the person who is ill, but it is all too easy to forget the carers and the problems and emotions that they are going through. If this book makes their life any more easier - and as a result, helps the person who is ill too - then the book has achieved its aim.'

- West London ME Support Group

Other publications

I am a contributor to the 2019 book 'When Bodies Break: how we survive & thrive with illness & disability' Cameron B Auxer, ed, an inspiring collection of real stories and information on living well with chronic illness and how creativity can help with coping, adaptation and wellbeing.

I am currently working on my second book. It is about the journey from becoming ill to learning to live with chronic health problems, covering all the areas that can help you live with long term illness - sleep hygiene; nutrition; pacing; activity levels; addressing loss, anger & frustration and impact on mental health; relationships & support systems; coping with relapse; relaxation and strategies for living in the moment (mindfulness).

If you are interested in living well with chronic illness, my Twitter account and articles also cover this subject.

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